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Sarah Brown reshared this.

Just as a friendly reminder for anyone not aware:

The British press is not our friend. They, as a rule, do not publish anything, ever, favorable about trans folks, because those who control their content would very much prefer that we didn't exist.

So, if a reporter for, say, The Guardian wants to talk to you?


in reply to Doc "Atombusen" Impossible

@Ghostynn @OftOverthinking They're trying to finesse a PR reality that presents the review in an unambiguously positive light. This is a carefully measured condemnation of the Review. I wouldn't mistake it for anything else.

Don’t quite know what to make of this. Either it’s Cass trying to gaslight us, or maybe she’s realised that beyond the shores of Normal Island and the US, having her name on this bag of crap basically destroys her career?

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in reply to Sarah Brown

sounds like her bullshitting…and pretty sus this group took her at her word…
in reply to Sarah Brown

so, she’s a stooge? Not sure why I’d improve my opinion of her. Stonewall reports appointments being cancelled.

Sarah Brown reshared this.

Transphobes are basically the same as anti-vaxxers and those weirdoes opposed to antidepressants.

Their motives don't really matter. Maybe they're just puritanical religious freaks. Maybe they're right-wing political hacks.

All that matters is they're wrong. Trans healthcare has been part of the scientific and medical mainstream for decades. But as long as they can publish fake studies and get op-eds in the New York Times, we will have to suffer the reactionary backlash.

This entry was edited (21 hours ago)
in reply to kwantum


E.g. Someone, who didn't think he should get the COVID vaccine, explained to me: it's because he didn't think there was enough safety data (at the time). "Other anti-vaxxers told me: yes, you too are anti-vax! And I said, You don't understand! I'm NOT on your side! I want MORE science, not less!"

So it would be a mistake to lump these together.
I think it's worthwhile finding out: WHY do they disagree? Not necessarily just an oversimplistic "They must be #antiscience!"

in reply to kwantum

@kwantum Indeed; I know someone who is certainly not anti-science (he has a physics degree), nor is he generally anti-vax, but he had a very bad reaction to a COVID vaccine and decided he wasn't having any more. Now he's in Florida, so he's probably mistaken by both sides for an anti-vaxxer, but that's not what he is. It's worth saying that I look at things differently myself; I've also had one bad reaction (out of several shots), but since I feel the risks of COVID are worse, I'm still going to get all the shots they'll let me have. But it's a very individual decision.

UK new builds: the builders will tell you that the toilet flushes are “European style” to save water.

This is a lie. I live in two new build flats. One in Portugal and one in England. The toilets they put in in UK new builds are just shit at flushing. The ones in Portugal flush properly.

in reply to Sarah Brown

the UK blaming Europe (a continent of which it is a part no matter how much it insists it’s a continent of its own) for things it does to itself is a tradition going back to at least the early 80s but probably medieval times
in reply to Sarah Brown

the ones in Portugal probably flush to a sewage treatment system too, rather than the local beach.

Content warning: UK, mention of depression

reshared this

Unknown parent

Ian Turton

Content warning: UK, mention of depression

in reply to Ian Turton

Content warning: UK, mention of depression

Sarah Brown reshared this.

My boyfriends been cheating, so I joined a dating site found it on there and been catfishing him. He's due to meet the other me in a bar in 10 mins blissfully unaware I'm there with a suitcase of his clothes whilst my dad's changing our locks.

The acquisition of a PICADE has me playing OUTRUN. This is a game that I remember from my youth with spectacular graphics. The graphics are, in fact, shit. It also has HGVs doing in excess of 180kph. I am questioning SEGA’s commitment to realism.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@Sarah Brown I remember it in arcades with the big cabinet you could sit in. It didn’t matter that the palm trees looked like stacks of cardboard boxes somehow.
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

@Alexandra Lanes Stereo speakers behind your head. Cabinet looked a bit like a Ferrari. It cost 50p a play when most games were 10p, but my god, it was such a sight to behold!

So, Ukraine, right.

They gave their nuclear weapons to Russia. Bit of an error perhaps.

But they have nuclear power stations, so presumably have access to plutonium.

You see what I’m saying, right? They’ve got to be trying. If it were me, I would …

in reply to Sarah Brown

IAEA audits their fuel & waste chain & takes a dim view of nations outside of a very small group using power reactors to create weapons-grade material.
Also it's hard & expensive & they have more immediate things to do with their resources.

Famous American murderer from the telly, O J Simpson, has been in the news recently for dying. Here are some lesser known facts about him:

O J was known by his fans as "The Juice". This is because his full name was Orangejuice Jorangejuice Simpson.

King Edward VIII of England was forced to resign because he wanted to marry him.

In addition to being good at rugby and murder, O J was also the first man on mars.

He was acquitted after his lawyer, who was one of the Cardasians from Star Trek, convinced the jury that there were five lights.

reshared this

in reply to Sarah Brown

He wasn't even called Simpson, I saw a documentary once and he was an accident-prone cop called Nordberg in real life

And he wasn't in the Simpsons

Answer me that

Sarah Brown reshared this.

In case it matters to anybody who might be looking at safe havens as the British political system slides towards fascism with a side order of transphobia, Germany has just relaxed its gender determination laws *significantly*

reshared this

in reply to Alisdair Calder McGregor

but despite being centre left they are pretty conservative with a lot of social equality issues.

Covid booster means I’ve been vaccinated against seven things in less than a week (measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, polio, diphtheria, Covid).

Done now. Feeling a bit sorry for myself b

“Traffic is heavy, best set off for your appointment now”, says my phone, for the second time in a week.

Thanks, Californian tech device. I’ll get right on that.

Readers of a certain age may remember a fun but flawed vertically scrolling progressive shoot ‘em up game from the mid 80s called Slap Fight. I played it loads on the C64.

I today found out it was called something entirely different in the US, and I feel like part of my childhood was a lie.

Sarah Brown reshared this.

Like, trans girls who are allowed to be girls growing up are really pretty normal? They like clothes and makeup, they have crushes, they play volleyball, they make friends. Nobody even notices them most of the time.

That's what people are so scared of?

Meanwhile, it can do irreparable damage to force someone to act contrary to their own nature by threat of violence.

But that's fine?

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Nowhere Girl

I'm using trans girls as an example because that's what I'm most familiar with, obviously, but the same rules apply to trans boys and non-binary kids. Adults project all their weird hangups and fetishes and obsessions onto trans kids who just wanna do normal kid things.

It's the adults who are the problem.

in reply to Nowhere Girl

I remember being in the closet. Everybody thought I was sad, catatonic, and damaged in some way they couldn't explain.

And kinda girly, honestly.

But when I came out? Everybody suddenly thought I was funny, sweet, lovely, and able to talk them to death about electrons.

And the only difference is there wasn't a gun to my head making me hide my normal personality and behavior.

That's what people want to deny us.

in reply to Nowhere Girl

My sister said the other day how she still can't get over how different I am. So patient and easygoing, compared to this angry ball of human misery who made everyone around me miserable (she didn't say the last part, but I know it.)
in reply to Nowhere Girl

It's been the weirdest thing to realize how easy and nice talking with people is now! Wonder what it could have been like had childhood gone something like this instead of how it actually went...
in reply to Nowhere Girl

It also reveals a lot about their assumptions about kids in general.

That children couldn't step outside norms without being misled by some evil adult.

That children couldn't defy their parents' wishes, because they assume every parent is rigidly cruel in enforcing their will on children.

It's not just the viewpoints I don't like. The people pushing them are nasty.

in reply to Nowhere Girl

It's always projection with them, assuming the absolute worst while these kids have their existence called into question. Often, I figure they're not trying to protect these kids (who don't need your help, thanks) but protecting themselves because of how they've been programmed and for whatever reason that programming is tied up heavily in gender essentialism and heteronormative orthodoxy. Heck of a thing to put on a young adult, huh?

Sarah Brown reshared this.

the problem with trans people having a say in our own destiny is people in power starting from the assumption there is something gross, wrong, broken and criminal about us. We can say we have a right to decide our own destinies and to them it sounds like criminals professing their own innocence demanding not to be imprisoned or fined.

Trans rights therefore, seem to me to rely on deconstructing the very concepts of deviance, brokenness, crime and punishment at its foundations

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Sarah Brown reshared this.

Sarah Brown reshared this.

There is apparently some anger that all but one of the adult gender identity clinics in England and Wales declined to have any truck with Cass wanting to reach into their patient records. Their punishment will be a review of their own operations. Personally, I have to say that they’ve gone up in my estimation. They’ve shown more balls than I ever thought they had. Someone ought to ask them why they refused to have any truck with the Cass circus.
in reply to Christine Burns MBE 🏳️‍⚧️📚⧖

At this rate, they may as well get Az Hakeem to lead the 'review' into adult GICs because we already know the outcome. It's a repeat of history where Paul McHugh commissioned a biased 'study' to legitimise a political aim.
in reply to Llwynog

@llwynog We should have taken the Tavistock and Portman reactionaries more seriously back in 2002 when a bunch of them were writing indignant letters to the broadsheets decrying the Court of Human Rights ruling in Goodwin and I v UK. Today’s travails have very old roots.

Sarah Brown reshared this.

The audacity of transphobes outing themselves on Mastodon today, do they know who writes the code for these places?

#lgbtqia #Mastodon #CassReport #CassReview

in reply to Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈

Some day, I will get around to writing at least a three-part blog essay on the nature of power in online spaces.

It won't be this day, but your comment makes me wish I had time to make it this day. 😁

Comparative vaccine review: tetanus, polio, diphtheria arm hurts a LOT more than measles, mumps, rubella arm.

Sarah Brown reshared this.

Worth emphasising that the Heritage Foundation Tories and their useful idiots, are primarily going after trans rights to remove bodily autonomy arguments so they can then go after abortion.

Cis folk, wake the hell up. The USA has shown us exactly what their game is.

in reply to Ghost of Hope

and to attack everything but 'Biblical marriage'. The Heritage foundation was explicit it wanted to divide the LGBT community to reduce its political power
Unknown parent Ghost of Hope reshared this.

He's already said that he doesn't believe in the Gillick competency on more than one occasion (as well as using the 'sex-based rights' nonsense dog-whistle):

He's a bigot.

@StrangeNoises @JulietEMcKenna

Now the UK has used “no medical care for trans people before 25 because brains not developed”, they’re gonna push for 40, “because fertility”.

I would actually put money on them doing that.

Ghost of Hope reshared this.

in reply to Sarah Brown

That's pop psychology at its worst.

Yes, there is still some development in "the brain" up to the age of 25, but it's mostly to do with the areas of the brain that deal with impulse decision making. The areas of the brain that deal with considered decision making are more or less fully developed at 15.

And despite how things look in transphobic fantasy-land, nobody is transitioning on a whim.

in reply to Cat!

@Catriona If people under the age of 25 shouldn't be making choices because their brains haven't fully developed, then those over 35 shouldn't be making choices either, because their cognitive faculties will have started to decline.

It's such a bullshit excuse.


Just had vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, diphtheria and polio.

On Friday it’s Covid.

My immune system is gonna have fun.

in reply to Sarah Brown

As I can't have live vaccines any more... Thanks for your part in stopping me from getting M, M or R.

Sarah Brown reshared this.

Worrying that a cis person might take cross-sex hormones long term by mistake is like worrying that your child will go out and roll in the nettles if you let them in the garden. Sure. Hypothetically they might roll in the nettles. What they’re not very likely to do is go out there and roll in the nettles a second time. Meanwhile trans people are yelling to be let out of the nettle patch while being told that moving around the garden is dangerous and to stay put for our own safety.
in reply to zip (happy halloween 2024!)

People seem to think that hormones fundamentally don’t really feel like anything, that they just change your body and nothing else. Nothing is further from the truth.

Getting on HRT when you’re trans feels like you’ve been wearing shoes two sizes too small for your entire life and you’ve just got a pair that fits. Getting on HRT when you’re not has the opposite effect: instead you’re taking a drug that will cause crushing depression. It’s even on the side effects list!

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in reply to zip (happy halloween 2024!)

But say I’m wrong. Perhaps there’s folks out there who feel equally comfortable either way. People should still get to choose what happens to their body! Even if they might change their minds! _Especially_ with puberty blockers, which simply delay things.
in reply to zip (happy halloween 2024!)

I kind of forgot while saying this that in their mythology we’re embarked upon a sinister project to propel cis kids through transition.

Obviously fucking not, dickheads. We recoil at the idea of someone being pushed to transition as hard as we recoil at the idea of them being pushed not to. It’s always self-led. How dare you accuse us of the same monstrosity that you are so determinedly perpetrating yourselves.

in reply to zip (happy halloween 2024!)

Remember, with the right, it's always projection. Correct? (It's what they'd do, so they project it on the trans community.)
in reply to zip (happy halloween 2024!)

Wouldn't it be easier to just refer to HRT as 'meds'? Like if you take epilepsy meds, you will have a bad time.

It seems easier to explain 'trans men do not produce the right hormones for men, so they need these meds'.

Dear iPhone, being a bit American, aren’t we?
in reply to Sarah Brown

I have mine set to use bike directions by default, which has inspired both disbelief and also amazement that travel times are shorter.

Dear UK residents. I’m sorry to be tedious, but I’m going to do the trans Cassandra thing again.

The government is now moving towards regarding trans people as effective children until the age of 25.

This will be established as precedent and then used to screw over any and all young adults who can’t escape from abusive parents, especially young women.

If you want to do anything about this, you need to fight for trans people. Yes, you. Now.

We all know that isn’t going to happen to any significant extent though.

As you were.

Unknown parent


I think it's easy to underestimate how far most people have moved on this already. (Not that *most* makes it safe). There seem to be two groups pushing this:

1. boring folk who moan about the metric system, car parks, youth of today, ULEZ, "they're all as bad as each other", immigrants, etc.

2. Westminster-y policy type people, both left and right, professional dinner-party attenders, columnists, writers, wonks, essayists, student union types.

The (dangerous) difference now is that these groups -- our society's loudest, most boring, dull, dim, and reactionary, who only differ in social class -- are united on one subject.

The public don''t need to "come round".

People think Guardianista idealists lay out liberation's groundwork -- surveyors going ahead. But they're just apologists hanging on the coat-tails of emperors, minting excuses for comfortable lives at court. The powerful, their "clients", are moving right, so they're representing them, coining theories and writing reports.

in reply to Jinshei

labour candidate came back with all the things I want, including saying how well trans people do when they get treatment. He is a good lad.

Sweet pepper is the most disappointing vegetable (yes, I know it’s a fruit).

It’s like someone was, “what if chilli, but shit?”

Have recently been worried that I’ve been looking my age (50), but the problem seems to have fixed itself.

2nd MMR dose on Wednesday, Covid booster on Friday.

This week is going to be ... fun

in reply to like jam or bootlaces

@like jam or bootlaces At least the covid booster is Pfizer and not sodding "did you want to do anything for the next three days? Tough shit" Moderna.

Trans women, 6 months on HRT: “My breasts must have stopped growing now and I’m only an AA cup! WOE!”

Trans women 18 years after transition (e.g. me, now): “Aw fuck, I gained a cup size last week.”

Sarah Brown reshared this.

If you're fortunate enough to be in the financial and class situation to emigrate, you should know it's often a time consuming process — especially getting a visa. If you want to be somewhere else by January 20th you should start now. By the 6th of November there will not be time, especially if there's a sudden increase in demand.

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in reply to zip (happy halloween 2024!)

I hadn't even thought about this. Are my fellow Amercan's really doing this? I mean for political reasons?
in reply to Wm.son

@Sfwmson I have no idea, but if I'm thinking there will be a second Trump presidency some of them will be too.

After watching Oppenheimer the other week, I just rewatched Dr Strangelove.

For the love of god, will one of the nuclear powers announce it’s destroying its hydrogen bombs? These things are psychotically evil. Just get rid of them. Now, before the kill us all.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Sarah Brown

“one” of them doing it just ensures the other (big one) “wins”. The MAD doctrine actually worked and continues to do so. Putin knows full well that if he launches nukes at anyone he himself and much of Russia will disappear in a glowing radioactive cloud. There would be no winner on either side so he doesn’t dare launch.
in reply to Sarah Brown

one country did get rid of their nuclear weapons- Ukraine.

Sarah Brown reshared this.

Crap homes, poorly built to low standards with a huge profit mark up for the large building companies.

Why do we accept this in the UK? The rest of Northern Europe doesn’t.

Can we simply imagine nothing else despite McCloud’s decades of programmes.

Don’t forget the biggest group of donors to #Tories are property companies…it’s not a coincidence.

Unknown parent

Juggling With Eggs


Curious to know whether you think the route cause of the decline in standards was trying to squeeze out more profit or a decline in training caused by the prioritisation of HE over FE courses by successive governments? Or both.

in reply to Juggling With Eggs

Most local authorities long ago dispensed with the resident engineers and surveyors who used to check on standards.

Sarah Brown reshared this.

When my husband falls asleep watching TV after I've gone to bed I'll sometimes sneak down and put some porn on. The desperate swearing and scrambling around because he thought he left it on is hilarious.

Sarah Brown reshared this.

Apropos of a conversation elsewhere c, I’ve always been given the creeps by “Jonathan Pie”. It’s always struck me as “manufactured outrage click bait culture for left wing people who think they’re too clever to fall for that.”

The sceptics in the pub crowd had the same sort of attitude and it made them really really easy marks for the alt right to use as useful idiots in their culture war.

reshared this

in reply to Sarah Brown

I'm distracted in my vague desire to look up who this is by being reminded that pie exists. I should probably have some lunch (sadly not pie).
This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Do Americans realise just how much it looks like they’re trying to speedrun “imperial power collapsing into failed state” to the rest of the world right now?

Guys, sort your shit out FFS.

in reply to Sarah Brown

I don't think they're in danger of failed state yet. Failed democracy? Nobody sneeze, they're teetering on the edge.
in reply to Ghost of Hope

I mean you're not wrong, but also because you're not wrong, it's not easy to sort it out.

We are so past democracy it's not even relevant. No one in the government represents the people. The machine is so big it's just feeding itself.

Historical the only avenues of change are direct action, protest related, ... or more extreme things that historically only move power to some faction.

If you have any suggestions, that would help.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Paul SomeoneElse

@Paul SomeoneElse @Ghost of Hope If you realistically only have two choices in an election, and one has the platform of “We masturbate to The Handmaid’s Tale”, it’s kinda mandatory to vote for the other as damage control.
in reply to Paul SomeoneElse

We're both English, don't look at us. We haven't had a revolution for 500 years and we got bored with that after a decade and undid it.
in reply to Ghost of Hope

@grayface_ghost It only takes one election to turn one into the other, I think.

Portuguese language Siri’s Brasileiro accent is making my ears bleed.
in reply to Sarah Brown

As a... lapsed beginner, I wouldn't be entirely unhappy if the whole of Portugal adopted that accent.

Not saying I don't love it, but Latin languages pronounced as if you're a drunk Russian in a hurry aren't the easiest to understand

in reply to Ghost of Hope

@Ghost of Hope I think that’s a stress timed/syllable timed distinction more than anything else (stress timed languages tend to swallow syllables to make them fit, so if you don’t know to listen for the tonic syllables it’s really hard to get the words).

Curiously Brazilian Portuguese is syllable timed, which is the biggest difference. That I wouldn’t mind. What made my ears bleed was rendering all the consonants as “tch”.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Thanks, I'm going to look into this.

I feel as though when I was last actively studying it, I was getting into where I got stuck with French, which was not being told that in the real world the French throw away words when the context doesn't need them. I've been missing something.

I got so far picking out the words I could hear, but that's a recipe for disaster.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Observant viewers will note the presence of hydrofoils. Each one of those is an INTERPLANETARY SEAPLANE!

Also, not a single expendable launch in this game.

Dental implant post crown fitting 2 week review: totally excellent. Absolutely worth the months of bullshit. Would do again if I lost another tooth. Expensive but worth it.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@Sarah Brown @Alan Braggins It's a pity you can't get new AL licences, or there'd be an excellent market in providing dental holidays.

What I would have liked to have learned in English classes at school:

  • Grammar.
  • The history of how the language evolved from one with a rich conjugation and case system into the vastly structurally simpler one we have now.
  • Points of convergence and divergence with other languages, closely related or not. How did that happen?
  • How to speak and write beautifully and precisely with rhetorical flourishes if needed

What I actually learned in English classes at school:

  • Thomas Hardy really hated women.
in reply to Sarah Brown

German classes in Germany don't have any of the latter three items, either, it's just spelling and grammar, grammar, grammar. So much grammar.
On top of that, once you're required to write essays, you aren't actually taught how to do it or given any examples of one looks like (IIRC) which probably explains why I've always been bad at them.
in reply to Ozzy

@karohemd Can second the latter point as someone who's had to teach German & Austrian students at university level, the idea school gives them of what constitutes an "essay" ends up requiring some remedial teaching.
in reply to James Baillie

@James Baillie @Ozzy The OU is my first academic institution to attempt to teach me how to write an essay. School seemed concerned that it had five paragraphs but didn’t care much beyond that. And Cambridge just assumed you either already had every academic skill required or would figure it out.
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

@ajlanes @karohemd @JubalBarca OU definitely has its faults, but the fact that it is bringing together *vastly* different background skill levels does make it have a focus on making sure everyone has the basics right first
in reply to Sarah Brown

When I was at school English language lessons were firmly separated from English Literature, and it wasn’t until English language A Level (which I didn’t do) that you got the really interesting linguistics stuff. It was always a running joke at the time that in 11–16 education one learned most of one’s proper English grammar from doing foreign languages.

Friendica Support reshared this.

!Friendica Support Hi all.

Running via Docker behind nginx proxy manager. Got the three containers shown.

The UI is a bit sluggish. In particular, it takes forever for the notifications to show up after doing pretty much anything.

So my question is, is there anything stopping me spinning up another UI or cron container on another machine and trying to parallelise things a bit? Is there anything special I have to do to enable that?


in reply to Sarah Brown Friendica Support reshared this.

I guess that the best would be to use the daemon instead of cron. How do you store the contact avatars? And how do you store photos? Depending on this,you would need to synchronize some folders as well.
in reply to Michael Vogel Friendica Support reshared this.

@Michael Vogel Storage config is just set to "Database", so I assume everything is in there?
in reply to Sarah Brown Friendica Support reshared this.

Yeah, sounds fine for this purpose. I guess that with the daemon it should be possible to have one docker for the db,one docker for the daemon and multiple ones for the frontend. But this is never tested.
in reply to Michael Vogel Friendica Support reshared this.

@Michael Vogel But if I span up another frontend on another machine, coping the friendica data volume in the process, and pointed it at the database, it should just work?
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Sarah Brown Friendica Support reshared this.

I guess so. But of course updates are more demanding, since you had to keep all machines totally in sync. Possibly it would be the best, if daemon and the front end systems would share a single data drive.
in reply to Michael Vogel Friendica Support reshared this.

@Michael Vogel They can do that (the single pair I already have are sharing one)
in reply to Sarah Brown Friendica Support reshared this.

@Sarah Brown when it works, please document it and tell about your performance experience.
in reply to Michael Vogel Friendica Support reshared this.

@Michael Vogel I feel like "when" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there...
in reply to Sarah Brown Friendica Support reshared this.

Also I guess there is not much experience from others.
in reply to Michael Vogel Friendica Support reshared this.

@Michael Vogel Should note in case it's not clear, the container called "friendica-cron" is actually running the daemon, starting with this script:

trap "break;exit" HUP INT TERM

while [ ! -f /var/www/html/bin/daemon.php ]; do
  sleep 1

echo "Waiting for MySQL $MYSQL_HOST initialization..."
if php /var/www/html/bin/wait-for-connection "$MYSQL_HOST" "${MYSQL_PORT:-3306}" 300; then
  sh /
  exec gosu www-data:www-data tini -- php /var/www/html/bin/daemon.php -f start
  echo "[ERROR] Waited 300 seconds, no response" >&2