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Occasional DjangoCon organizer, soccer and football fan, home cook and brewer, hobbyist cyclist, peak dad, general nerd. He/him

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Drew boosted

We have two tickets to @pythonwebconf to give away! Enter here:

The form is open until Thursday, March 2 at 5 PM EST, at which point we'll draw two winners at random.

Drew boosted

Once you understand white US history instead of Black history, you'll understand why the following interventions will do much more to improve US Black educational achievement than most of the nonsense we're trying today:

• Bail reform
• Fire racist teachers, including the Bill Cosbys
• Retain anti-racist Black, white, AAPI, Latinx teachers
• Get rid of school cops
• Provide all students free lunch. And breakfast. And afternoon snack.
• Transfer police budget to school budget. Bring back art.

Drew boosted

"OK, when Black dads are present, they're involved. But too many Black dads are just not there! Why aren't they there?"

In the US, a Black man has a 1 in 4 chance of going to jail. Most likely for "drug use," even though white folk do more drugs. 🤷🏿‍♂️

Most Black dads incarcerated have not even been convicted of any crime. They're "awaiting trial," and are too poor to afford bail. You can be waiting for trial for *years*.

Drew boosted

7 abortion providers are ready to switch to misoprostol-only medication abortions if a judge bans the main abortion pill, mifepristone, nationwide. That ruling could happen as soon as this Friday.

Pretty much everything that Team "you're overreacting" insisted would never happen after Dobbs is, in fact, happening. It's almost as if they were not arguing in good faith this whole time.

My usual disclaimer when I'm sending someone untested code: I take no responsibility for the plagues this code will bring upon your houses for the next millennia

Drew boosted

Once you see it you can't unsee it:
A "civil rights leader," is often what a "political leader" looks like in a system where pervasive racism prevents Black people from achieving the highest office.🤷🏿‍♂️

What civil rights leaders call for today, becomes sound, accepted, proven good policy 20 years in the future, that improves life for all of us.

This goodness or badness compounds year over year. If we had listened to Frederick Douglass about reconstruction, the US would not be so messed up today.

@drew argh, looks like no

@drew did the alt text not save?

It was a beautiful morning for a hike today.

@djangocon @lacey @EmojiMeadow @drew and refreshing my feed in the morning definitely shows the posts out of order. Nice!

PSA to those of you who may be flying to @djangocon: there's a 2.5 hour Amtrak ride from Charlotte (American Airlines hub) to Durham that runs 5x/day.

This is delightfully Quebeçois

@glasnt that's a very emo day even without the music.

Drew boosted

With the tech layoffs hitting Australia, it's a good time to think about joining the union:

They are very interested in the current situation around layoffs and ensuring that employers meet their legal obligations, but they rely on ordinary members for intel on what's actually happening.

It's time for DCUS23!

Drew boosted

✨📣✨ Mark your calendars! DjangoCon US is coming to Durham, NC, on October 15-20, 2023.

Today's factle has me questioning my life's choices
Drew boosted

There is one wolf inside you.

Please contact Sales if you need to add additional wolves to your service plan.

Drew boosted

We hit our signup cap of 150 users so we've bumped it up to 200, and signups are open again!

@olly this was deleting some automatically generated code that was supposed to be ignored in the first place

Well this is a fun day

Drew boosted

This is your 15-year warning to get ready for the Y2K38 bug:

Hoping my friends at Google dodged today's layoffs (alongside this week at Amazon/Microsoft/etc)

@admin congrats!

Important news:

The US Army Corps of Engineers releases a cat calendar