I filed an @elk bug about compatibility with @takahe and then @shuuji3 saw my bug and figured out what was causing it and explained in a new issue on the tahahē repo and @andrew then had to rewrite the entire HTML parser! Opens source is pretty amazing sometimes.
I made cute avatars for my Takahē (@takiverse) and GoToSocial (@liaizon@ⴰⵣⵓⵍ.todz.ynh.fr) test accounts!
I can search myself on #Bookwyrm and attempted to follow but it only says requested doesn't appear on either side. Clicked Follow on here and on there and no dice
The Verge is here:
Adi Robertson: @thedextriarchy
T.C. Sottek: @wizard
Barbara Krasnoff: @barbk
Richard Lawler: @rjcc
Dan Seifert: @dcseifert
Monica Chin: @monicawchin
Antonio G. Di Benedetto: @SuperAntonio64
Jon Porter: @jonporty
Jay Peters: @jaypeters
Elizabeth Lopatto: @lopatto
Jess Weatherbed: @ZombieWretch
Alex Heath: @alexeheath
Sean Hollister: @seanhollister
Chris Grant: @chrisgrant
Joshua Topolsky (The Verge founder / ex-staff): @joshuatopolsky
https://www.theverge.com/23519135/mastodon-verge-staff-where-to-find #TheVerge
Hello world! OK, will start #testing apps soon.
Shortlist of things to test for each #iOS app I have:
- Login (#Mammoth and #Mastoot fail on my own instance, but need to reproduce here)
- Post text, mentions, tags, images of various kinds
- Edit posts
- Profile, search
- What happens to lists (I expect some clients to fail spectacularly)
test post from https://pinafore.social