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literally boosted

Error: Your password must contain at least two characters who talk to each other about something other than a man.

literally boosted

“Slack in development teams leaves room for sickness, for onboarding, for helping other teams. It leaves room for checking production to see whether the feature we released last week had any unexpected effects. It lets us do our best work. Resilience comes with healthier systems and healthier people.”

Great Sunday read by @jessitron

literally boosted

Adding alt text to your photos is important, it improves accessibility.

That's why we added an opt-in feature you can enable to force you to add alt text before you post, now available on our web UI and official

▶️ Navigate to Settings then Media to enable this

literally boosted

My column about apps on Mastodon appears in print today. From what I'm told, it did very well on the web after publishing on Friday. It got MANY boosts and Favorites here on Mastodon, so I assume that's where a lot of traffic came from. It'll be very interesting to see what kind of print-reader feedback I get via email.

This is a gift link to the story, so it should get at least some of you past the paywall if you don't have a subscription. If not, use


literally boosted

Verification, check. Time for our :

Founded by @dave and @roustem in 2005, we’re now a team of 800+ who share the same vision: to make the online world a safer place for everyone. Our culture values simplicity, honesty and a human-centric approach to solving problems.

We have a small gang hanging out on Mastodon and we’d love to get to know our new community. Share your own with us and what brought you to . 👋😊Emoji 1password

literally boosted

There is one wolf inside you.

Please contact Sales if you need to add additional wolves to your service plan.

literally boosted

Just released version 74! Hope you all enjoy it!! 🥰

- Timelines can be pinned and rearranged
- Support local-only posts
- Indicator for missing alt texts
- Improved alt text editor
- Header in timeline for followed hashtags
- More notification categories
- Add back file opener
- Prompt when saving edited draft
- Option to disable “See new posts” button

[Edited to update release info]

Edited 1y ago
literally boosted

A lot of kids in the ’80s and ’90s owe a lot to this drawing.

literally boosted
literally boosted

@coachtony Example:

Same password used in entire vivaldi infrastructure: email, blog, mastodon etc.

literally boosted

“letting rich people decide how we’ll live our lives always precipitates a crisis. Debts can’t substitute for wages. Cheap goods and rent-extraction were never a substitute for developing and nurturing domestic capacity.”

Great piece as always by @pluralistic ; h/t @Johnjeffery

@film_girl @paul there are several forks that already have QT

literally boosted

John Mastodon was a brilliant hacker, a true master of code. He had always been fascinated by the power of the internet, the way it could connect people from all over the world. So, one day, he decided to create his own social network, something that would be truly decentralized, something that would give people complete control over their own data. And so, in his garage, John began to code.

literally boosted

the horse rising from the vernal pool, an algal mane

literally boosted

> I feel like there are now three constant processes in our world:

> 1) - everything evolves to become a crab

> 2) - eventually all business eventually turn into finance firms.

> 3) - all producers eventually strip-mine their reputations.

-srboisvert on

literally boosted


Yes. Local only. Just like in a server.

It's a very popular feature on smaller, community based server platforms. work as usual, except that they can only be searched fire in the local server (because the post doesn't go out to the network).

Now, wrt , I'm not completely certain how that's going to be dealt with in regards to virtual servers, but we're only at v0.7.0 at this time.


literally boosted

Whenever you eat a sweet potato, think about its transoceanic past.

literally boosted

Anyone want to present (to community) at a fediverse product pitch-fest? Or know projects that should be there?

@dataparty @axz @quintsns @darius @aral @Gargron @elipariser

literally boosted

How it started: How it's going:

literally boosted

Many updates are coming to 😀

> Lightbox for viewing images (rather than a full redirect!)

I'm happy to be able to implement this image viewer with a clean look inspired by @pixelfed. ✨

Edited 1y ago
literally boosted

Bring this energy or you needn’t have bothered.

literally boosted

In hindsight, it was genius of Bezos to turn non-profit orgs into extremely cheap advertisers for a global megacorp

literally boosted

The problem (well, one of the problems) with Florida's community colleges banning programs compelling belief in DEI/CRT isn't that state-compelled belief is bad (it is!), it's that quite a lot of the proponents of banning CRT, many of whom work in Florida's government, think any kind of exposure to it is coercive. The colleges surely know this, and they will overreact accordingly. This will chill loads of academic discourse--arguably precisely the state's goal.

literally boosted

Ground turkey fried rice with cumin and garlic, a fried egg, Satoimo sautéed with Sakekasu butter and Shoyu, quick yuzu pickles.